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Contact Us
[email protected]
Uppertown Social Centre
Cullumbell Lane
Uppertown, Ashover
S45 0JF
Uppertown Social Centre
Cullumbell Lane
Uppertown, Ashover
S45 0JF
The Committee (Management Trustees)
Chairman - George Edward Marriott (Trustee Board) - Tel. 07966154798
Deputy Chair - Richard Fidler (Trustee Board)
Treasurer - Susan Fewtrell
Secretary - Julia Williams
John Eric Hinchley
Yvette Hinchley
Kathleen Annette Fisher (Trustee Board)
Peter Francis Cassidy
David Adams (Trustee Board)
Anna Marriott
Phil Sweeting
Lily Hammond
David Sheppard
Liam Holmes
Emma Williams
The Rector of Ashover is a Trustee of the Centre ex-officio.
Deputy Chair - Richard Fidler (Trustee Board)
Treasurer - Susan Fewtrell
Secretary - Julia Williams
John Eric Hinchley
Yvette Hinchley
Kathleen Annette Fisher (Trustee Board)
Peter Francis Cassidy
David Adams (Trustee Board)
Anna Marriott
Phil Sweeting
Lily Hammond
David Sheppard
Liam Holmes
Emma Williams
The Rector of Ashover is a Trustee of the Centre ex-officio.